Thomas D. Zweifel
Zweifel, Thomas D.
Thomas D. Zweifel is a management consultant, leadership professor and author of several books on leadership and humanistic strategy. In 1997 he co-founded Swiss Consulting Group, named a “Fast Company” by Fast Company magazine, which he sold in 2013. Since 1997 he has served as a consultant and leadership coach for 40+ Fortune 500 firms as well as government and UN agencies, nonprofits and the military. He holds a Ph.D. in International Political Economy from New York University; since 2001 he has been Adjunct Professor at Columbia University and Lecturer at St. Gallen University. He lives in Zurich with his wife and their two daughters.
Interview on Swiss television (in Swiss German, with German subtitles)
Agent: Christian Dittus
Managing the Global High-Performance Team
USA: SelectBooks (2013)
192 pp
Original edition
USA: SelectBooks (2003);
France: Editions du Tricorne (2006)
Few are prepared for managing across cultures, and the costs of cultural blind spots can spin out of control-from lawsuits to lost opportunities. Forged in the fire of clashing cultures and living on four continents, Dr. Zweifel developed a fool-proof methodology for managing successfully across borders. And post-9/11, the Arab Spring and the BRICS emerging markets, e-commerce and social networks have made this updated and expanded edition of Culture Clash indispensible.
Was Führungskräfte von den Zehn Geboten lernen können
Management, Leadership
Linde (2012)
336 pp
USA: SelectBooks (2008)
The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders
Leadership is in crisis. From business to government, leaders have lost their compass in the rough seas of a borderless economy, the Internet and turbulent markets.
How do you breed principled leaders for the 21st century? Is leadership a matter of DNA, culture, or coaching?
The answer comes from an unexpected source: the 3,000-year-old tradition of Judaism. Torah, Talmud and Kabbalah hold life-and-death leadership stories of insurmountable odds, ethical dilemmas, lust and betrayal, and offer astonishingly practical lessons for 21st-century managers.
In a unique synergy, Dr. Thomas D. Zweifel has teamed up with Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin to blend the timeless wisdom of the Ten Commandments with a cutting- edge methodology based on 25 years of coaching leaders.
Getting Results Through Speaking and Listening
USA: SelectBooks
128 pp
Germany: Gabler (2004; 2015)
China: Citic (2004);
France: Editions du Tricorne (2005);
Indonesia: Gramedia (2008);
Often leaders have a great vision, but don’t know how to communicate their strategies. Just as often, a company’s staff has insight and information that never makes its way to the top. In short, the difference between a good company and a great one may lie in its ability to communicate. Dr. Thomas Zweifel shows how to change the way you speak and listen.
Marrying Planning, People and Performance
USA: CreateSpace (2014)
252 pp
Germany: Springer Gabler (2016)
Economic crises and the meltdown of some of the world’s major financial firms make it clear: traditional strategic planning no longer guarantees success. Uncertainty and change, globalization, empowered consumers, and flatter hierarchies call for a new approach. Strategy-in-Action shows, through cutting-edge research and compelling cases, how companies ended the long-standing divorce between planners and implementers. One saved $200 million from people power and another made €74 million from innovation. CEOs and strategists will find a systematic roadmap for win- ning strategies: how to stand in the future, get intelligence from far-flung locations, give voice to dissenters, maximize ownership, screen out losers efficiently, and produce quick wins. In short, Strategy-in-Action gives readers the art and science of planning, people, and performance. “The insights will force you to think and then rethink what you thought you knew.” — Malcolm Elvey, Chairman, Academy of Chief Executives “The only strategy book I know that integrates strategy alignment, high- ly pragmatic execution and performance, and the human element in one seamless process.” — Dr. Frank Waltmann, Head of Learning, Novartis AG “A systematic, almost foolproof methodology for building the company’s strategy with maximum ownership and results. This book is hands-on, entertaining and efficient—and sure to add value to your company.” — Dr. Alexander V. Herzog, CFO Ruf Group, CEO AVATECH & Ruf Svcs.
How to Build Accomplishments Bigger Than Yourself. A Systematic Self-Coaching Workbook
USA: iHorizon (2009)
200 pp
Vietnam: Than Thu (2011);
Based on the Global Leader Pyramid™ developed by Dr. Thomas Zweifel, this self-coaching handbook helps to improve results, quality, and speed.